Easy Cottage Cheese Biscuits

Green Curved Line

Cottage cheese biscuits are a a quick and easy biscuit recipe made with simple ingredients. Cottage cheese keeps these bisuits tender and light.  This recipe makes eight biscuits, perfect for a quick side with dinner.


All purpose flour Cottage cheese Milk Egg Vegetable oil Baking powder Salt Dried herbs

These delicious cottage cheese biscuits are quick, easy and made with simple ingredients.  They contain no butter and are a nice alternative to the traditional biscuit. Perfect as a side with soup, or great as a breakfast sandwich.

Whisk the cottage cheese, milk, oil, and egg in a bowl and set aside. In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients. 

Add the cottage cheese mixutre to the dry ingredients and stir to combine. 

Press the dough out on a lightly floured surface then cut into 8 biscuits using a round biscuit or cookie cutter.

Place the biscuits on a lightly greased baking sheet then bake for approximately 12 minutes or until golden brown. 

Serve warm with soup or stew, or as a side to any meal. Cut a little larger, these biscuits are perfect for making breakfast sandwiches.